By using cross-disciplinary teams, agile project management and user focussed design, service design approach is able to implement solutions in a matter of weeks. Through iterative design, services can adapt to improve the experience of the people using them and significantly reduce the costs of creating services and improve the outcomes of the people that use them.
We support organisations to solve specific problems using service design thinking. This helps organisations to quickly understand the problems that people have and how they can best solve them. Reducing costs and improving outcomes.
Risk Tracker is an easy to use Client Database that has been designed to help you to manage client information and run reports on the work that you do. It has been designed working with many organisations, that work with clients in a variety of settings, so that it is easy to use but versatible enough to meet the needs of your business.
Using Risk Tracker you can manage multiple projects, operating in different locations, and prove the impact that you have with the people you work with. Using National Outcome frameworks we help you to demonstrate to funding organisations that you are effective and provide value for money.
How do we solve a problem like A&E?
Ever since NHS forward plans and long term plans have been a thing A&E has always been a consistent part of them. Whether it is reducing pressure on A&E, diverting people to alternatives to A&E or talking people out of going to A&E it is seen as a...
UK Open Source Awards 2019
We're are really pleased to announce that we have been shortlisted for the UK Open Source Awards 2019. We have been selected in the Public Sector and Third Sector category. There is some pretty strong competition in this category, not least the NHS Digital Service...
Suicide Prevention – Dictionary
We are really pleased to be able to release our Suicide Prevention Dictionary for public use. Working with Reach out For Mental Health we have been looking at the risks and protective factors that relate to suicide prevention to help services measure their work and...
Risk Tracker – Changes
We're really excited to announce a change to how we provide our Risk Tracker software. Risk Tracker is our client database that organisations across the country use to record and manage their client data. In the last four years, we have worked closely with the people...
Improving Services With Design Thinking
Last week we went to the West Midlands Academic Health Science Networks (WMAHSN) event on prevention. The Putting Prevention into Practice: Improving Outcomes event provided an opportunity for those of us that work in prevention to come together to discuss what is...
Why doesn’t the National Digital Health Service exist?
In the UK we don't have digital health services in any practical or coherent form. It sounds strange to say this considering how far we are into the 21st Century. This problem is apparent to everyone who has any contact with the NHS, whether you're a commissioner...
How does the individual relate to a complex system?
We all know the health and social care system is complex. It's complex for the people that work in it which can only emphasise how daunting it is for the people that navigate it. In an attempt to try and rationalise how the system relates to individuals we've created...
What are different types of outcomes?
Three years ago we wrote this blog post what an outcome is. It came from our experience of talking to organisations and being acutely aware that, in many cases, the distinction between impact and activity wasn't entirely clear. We thought it might be useful to revisit...
Websites for small organisations
On Saturday I went along to the Websites for Small Charitable Organisations hosted by RnR Organisation and facilitated by Florence Okoye. It was a really interesting opportunity to talk about the barriers that some small organisations find in developing websites and...