by Darren | Mar 30, 2016 | blog, Opinion |
I’ve got an existential question about commissioning. Although it’s a question about commissioning it relates in just the same way to people who commission services and those that provide them. When working with organisations to achieve our Quality Mark for Evidence...
by Darren | Mar 8, 2016 | blog, Opinion |
Over the years I’ve heard many organisations talk about the desire to move away from commissioning services based on need and move to asset based commissioning. Whilst it’s something I’ve heard discussed many times in many places it’s not something I’ve often seen...
by Darren | Mar 7, 2016 | Opinion |
When you are designing or commissioning a new service where do you start? Do you start with an idea of what the service should look like and build a specification around that? Or do you start with the change you would like to achieve and build a service that you know...
by Darren | Feb 24, 2016 | blog |
Everyone knows there is a link between decent housing and improved health and wellbeing. It appears so obvious but this is an area that is still frequently ignored in commissioning improvements in health and wellbeing. Whilst you will see the recognition of the role...
by Darren | Feb 4, 2016 | blog |
Recently we have been working with Gateway Family Services to refine our Risk Tracker System to help them to support clients that have been diagnosed with Prediabetes as part of the National NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme. Such a diagnosis can be a great shock to...