Risk Tracker

Risk Tracker

We are really pleased to be able to bring you this video guide to our Risk Tracker software. We have created this software as an easy to use, web based method of managing clients and demonstrating the impact you have with them. Over the last six months we have been...

A New Method of Engagement?

Engagement with the people that you provide services for is a key element of how you identify the outcomes that your organisation is judged on. The quality and method of engagement is one of the key factors in determining whether or not an organisation is listening to...
You collect too much information

You collect too much information

A key part of providing services to members of the public is the amount of information you need to collect. If you’re like most of the organisations that we work with then it is likely that the types of information you collect has grown over time and is now fairly...

What is an Outcome?

Do you know what an outcome is? That’s not meant to be a rude question, but if you were given a long list of the information that your organisation collects from all the people it helps, would you be able to identify what’s an activity and what’s an outcome? It’s...

Our Overview of Risk

Over the last few months we have had a great opportunity to work with Public Health England by taking place in some of their regional events. We have met a wide variety of commissioners and commissioned services and given them an overview of how we demonstrate...