Case Study – Diabetes

GatewayWe have been working with Gateway Family Services to support their Pre-Diabetes project. The project takes patients that have been identified, by GPs as Prediabetic and supports them over thirteen weeks to begin to address issues around their lifestyle. Early interventions with people around diet and exercise can have profound effects on preventing people later developing Type 2 Diabetes.

To support this work we developed a dedicated Diabetes Risk Map to help staff record the issues that patients typically present with. The map is a variation of our Living Well Risk Map but includes some extra risks around blood sugar and eye tests which are particularly relevant to people that either are Diabetic or are at risk of developing Diabetes.

Gateway staff use the Risk Tracker system to record details of the clients that are enrolled on the course and plot their progress over time. As patients disclose issues that are recorded on the Risk Map these become areas that can be tackled as part of the course or can be the basis of referrals to other services. Gateway have managed to demonstrate an excellent retention rate with clients which means the quality of the outcomes achieved are so much better.

This model of healthy lifestyle support for people at risk of Diabetes is currently being rolled out across the country. If you are interested in finding more out about a system that has been proven to work with this type of service please email us at or use our contact form.