by Darren | Jan 16, 2015 | blog |
Last week I wrote about my issues with the way Birmingham City Council were consulting with the Third Sector on their draft strategy – you can read that post here Following that post, the Corporate Strategy team got in touch and asked me to feedback directly to...
by Darren | Jan 5, 2015 | blog |
I really want to respond to the Third Sector Draft Strategy, currently out for consultation by Birmingham City Council, but much like I did when I ran a Third Sector organisation in Birmingham I feel stifled and unable to contribute fully. My blogposts may often seem...
by Darren | Oct 7, 2014 | blog |
This blogpost is about this site: NHS Choices Ten days ago I wrote to NHS Choices, at their request for feedback. I was looking forward to reading their outcomes data, however the more I read it, the more confused I became. In fact, by the end I had many more...
by Darren | Sep 26, 2014 | blog |
I recently ran a workshop for Local Government Information Unit on how we know that what is being commissioned is actually making a difference for individuals and communities. I made the point that all too often outputs (what organisations did) are reported on rather...
by Darren | Sep 1, 2014 | events |
Engaging Communities – Impact & Evaluation: A Developmental Approach Join us in our Workshop on September 16th on Engaging Communities – Impact & Evaluation: A Developmental Approach. We recently held a workshop on community resilience and many there asked...
by Darren | Aug 21, 2014 | blog |
If David Cameron wants family-centred policies, why doesn’t he simply shut up and let the health and third sectors get on with doing what they do best? Recently, I have been researching the way the government is aiming to reduce inequalities. I have looked at...