Public Health: Solutions in your Pocket

Public Health: Solutions in your Pocket

One of the problems with having any sort of debate on Twitter, about something as complex as Public Health, is there just isn’t room to make a coherent and nuanced point. This morning I was struck by @RoyLilley’s blog post on the challenges that Public...
Social Prescribing: Who owns the outcomes?

Social Prescribing: Who owns the outcomes?

I’ve been really pleased to see a growing enthusiasm within the NHS for social prescribing. In terms of preventing ill health and improving wellbeing,  it is essential that we make better use of the people and resources that already exist in our communities....
What is asset based commissioning?

What is asset based commissioning?

Over the years I’ve heard many organisations talk about the desire to move away from commissioning services based on need and move to asset based commissioning. Whilst it’s something I’ve heard discussed many times in many places it’s not something I’ve often seen...
Effectiveness vs Good Intentions

Effectiveness vs Good Intentions

When you are designing or commissioning a new service where do you start? Do you start with an idea of what the service should look like and build a specification around that? Or do you start with the change you would like to achieve and build a service that you know...