By using cross-disciplinary teams, agile project management and user focussed design, service design approach is able to implement solutions in a matter of weeks. Through iterative design, services can adapt to improve the experience of the people using them and significantly reduce the costs of creating services and improve the outcomes of the people that use them.
We support organisations to solve specific problems using service design thinking. This helps organisations to quickly understand the problems that people have and how they can best solve them. Reducing costs and improving outcomes.
Risk Tracker is an easy to use Client Database that has been designed to help you to manage client information and run reports on the work that you do. It has been designed working with many organisations, that work with clients in a variety of settings, so that it is easy to use but versatible enough to meet the needs of your business.
Using Risk Tracker you can manage multiple projects, operating in different locations, and prove the impact that you have with the people you work with. Using National Outcome frameworks we help you to demonstrate to funding organisations that you are effective and provide value for money.
GDPR – Tips
A few weeks ago we ran a workshop on practical things you can do to prepare for GDPR. As it proved to be popular I thought it might be useful to share the slides from the event. This should give an overview of the discussion. We are looking at opportunities to run...
Measuring Outcomes – The Observer Effect
Within physical sciences, one of the key considerations in developing theories or carrying out experiments is the observer effect. This is where the act of observing something changes the very thing you are observing. For example, in electronics, the act of using a...
Outcomes for People With Disabilities
We're really pleased to be able to announce that we have received some grant funding from Santander to do some work on identifying outcomes for people with disabilities. We're keen to shape our outcome system to match the needs that people present to services. We are...
Outcomes for Refugees and Asylum Seekers
We're really pleased to announce that we've been successful in obtaining funding from the Big Lottery Fund to do some work around refugees and asylum seekers. Over the next year, we will work with three organisations to try and identify the most important issues that...
Practical Tips for GDPR Workshop
Following on from our blog post on how to get prepared for GDPR we've decided to turn advice into action. We're going to be holding a free workshop in conjunction with the Birmingham Innovation Engine Project. Recognising that there are a lot of people out...
Getting Ready For General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)
The implementation of the new General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) seems to be one of the greatest causes of anxiety across all business sectors. Whilst there will be a change in emphasis, in some areas, on how data is collected and managed, it is important to...
Who Drives Digital Transformation in the Voluntary Sector?
At the most recent Net Squared Midlands meeting, we discussed whether or not charities need Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems. As a developer of an open source CRM system, it probably comes as no surprise that we are firm believers that they do. As the...
Outcomes Seminar – Nuffield Department of Primary Care
Today I got to visit the Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences at Oxford University. It was a great to be invited along to give a seminar on measuring outcomes in preventative services. Thanks to all of the people that came along and the useful...
Neighbourhood Metrics: Collecting outcomes on place
Why do we collect outcomes? It’s something that we think about all of the time. The obvious answer is that it is a check to make sure that services are effective. That makes sense, we want to reassure ourselves that public money is being used to pay for services that...