By using cross-disciplinary teams, agile project management and user focussed design, service design approach is able to implement solutions in a matter of weeks. Through iterative design, services can adapt to improve the experience of the people using them and significantly reduce the costs of creating services and improve the outcomes of the people that use them.

We support organisations to solve specific problems using service design thinking. This helps organisations to quickly understand the problems that people have and how they can best solve them. Reducing costs and improving outcomes.

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Risk Tracker is an easy to use Client Database that has been designed to help you to manage client information and run reports on the work that you do. It has been designed working with many organisations, that work with clients in a variety of settings, so that it is easy to use but versatible enough to meet the needs of your business.

Using Risk Tracker you can manage multiple projects, operating in different locations, and prove the impact that you have with the people you work with. Using National Outcome frameworks we help you to demonstrate to funding organisations that you are effective and provide value for money.

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Partners and sponsors
Why do you collect data? – Evidencing need

Why do you collect data? – Evidencing need

Why do you collect data from the people you work with? Is it just so you have a record of the people that have used your services? Do you do it because it’s one of the things you must do as part of the contract? It’s a question we ask all the organisations we work...

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This is why the 7-day NHS risks are good

This is why the 7-day NHS risks are good

The release of secret documents highlighting risks with the Seven Day NHS programme have done quite a lot to demonstrate the lack of understanding about how and why risk is measured. Equally the call for for an inquiry based on the existence of identified risks seems...

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Will Devolution Improve Health Commissioning?

Will Devolution Improve Health Commissioning?

A truism of Local Government is that its enthusiasm for devolving national budgets locally is exactly matched by its reluctance to pool budgets regionally. I worry that frequently the search for increased budget allocation at any cost might overlook that all devolved...

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Three Free Quality Marks

Three Free Quality Marks

Would you like to take part in our Quality Mark for Evidence? Would you like to take part at no cost to your organisation? As many organisations are beginning to think about Summer holidays we think this is great time to offer something to help you out. We would like...

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How can Brexit improve public health?

How can Brexit improve public health?

Many thousands of words have been written about how the UK leaving the European Union will impact on the provision of Health and Social Care services. I don't want to go over the implications for funding services or work force planning as I think that, as things...

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CCG Improvement & Assessment Framework

CCG Improvement & Assessment Framework

An essential part of the service that we provide to organisations is to be able to directly demonstrate how the work they do has an impact on National Outcome Frameworks. As the policy environment changes then we can easily incorporate new developments into our Risk...

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Innovation vs Adaptation

Innovation vs Adaptation

Everyone loves an innovative solution. They are exciting and they are different. They can allow people to see processes, they are utterly familiar with, in a new light. They can revitalise a flagging work force. If they work. One of the key platforms in will...

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Open Data Will Create More Responsive Commissioning

Open Data Will Create More Responsive Commissioning

When you are commissioning new services for a community how often do you use live data to design services? Do you know current level of different needs in the areas you commission for? Do you know how that need has changed in the last months or year? If the answer to...

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Public Health: Solutions in your Pocket

Public Health: Solutions in your Pocket

One of the problems with having any sort of debate on Twitter, about something as complex as Public Health, is there just isn't room to make a coherent and nuanced point. This morning I was struck by @RoyLilley's blog post on the challenges that Public Health has to...

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