By using cross-disciplinary teams, agile project management and user focussed design, service design approach is able to implement solutions in a matter of weeks. Through iterative design, services can adapt to improve the experience of the people using them and significantly reduce the costs of creating services and improve the outcomes of the people that use them.

We support organisations to solve specific problems using service design thinking. This helps organisations to quickly understand the problems that people have and how they can best solve them. Reducing costs and improving outcomes.

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Risk Tracker is an easy to use Client Database that has been designed to help you to manage client information and run reports on the work that you do. It has been designed working with many organisations, that work with clients in a variety of settings, so that it is easy to use but versatible enough to meet the needs of your business.

Using Risk Tracker you can manage multiple projects, operating in different locations, and prove the impact that you have with the people you work with. Using National Outcome frameworks we help you to demonstrate to funding organisations that you are effective and provide value for money.

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Partners and sponsors
New: Substance Misuse Risk Map

New: Substance Misuse Risk Map

This is a Risk Map that we've been working on for quite a while. Probably more than any other service area substance misuse lends itself to our approach that focusses on protective factors and prevention. The many and complex issues that people present to services...

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Supporting Organisations to Work Together

Supporting Organisations to Work Together

There is a growing realisation, from organisations that support people to improve their Health and Wellbeing, that it is how they work together that makes the real difference. Solely focussing on the issue that people present to services is unlikely to lead to...

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New: Mental Health Risk Map

New: Mental Health Risk Map

We are really pleased to be able to launch our Mental Health Risk Map. This risk map is designed specifically for organisations that work with people with mental health conditions. As with all of our risk maps the focus is not only on the diagnosed condition but the...

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What is Social Value?

What is Social Value?

If you are being commissioned to provide it then social value can be an elusive thing to demonstrate in your work. If you are commissioning it then social value can be equally difficult to translate into contract management. The Public Services (Social Value) Act...

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Social Prescribing: Who owns the outcomes?

Social Prescribing: Who owns the outcomes?

I've been really pleased to see a growing enthusiasm within the NHS for social prescribing. In terms of preventing ill health and improving wellbeing,  it is essential that we make better use of the people and resources that already exist in our communities. Moving...

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An Existential Question About Commissioning: Quality over Quantity

An Existential Question About Commissioning: Quality over Quantity

I’ve got an existential question about commissioning. Although it’s a question about commissioning it relates in just the same way to people who commission services and those that provide them. When working with organisations to achieve our Quality Mark for Evidence...

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What is asset based commissioning?

What is asset based commissioning?

Over the years I’ve heard many organisations talk about the desire to move away from commissioning services based on need and move to asset based commissioning. Whilst it’s something I’ve heard discussed many times in many places it’s not something I’ve often seen...

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Effectiveness vs Good Intentions

Effectiveness vs Good Intentions

When you are designing or commissioning a new service where do you start? Do you start with an idea of what the service should look like and build a specification around that? Or do you start with the change you would like to achieve and build a service that you know...

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Demonstrating the Link Between Housing and Health

Demonstrating the Link Between Housing and Health

Everyone knows there is a link between decent housing and improved health and wellbeing. It appears so obvious but this is an area that is still frequently ignored in commissioning improvements in health and wellbeing. Whilst you will see the recognition of the role...

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