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The Quality Mark for Evidence is awarded to organisations that meet high standards of data collection and evidence-based working.

To award the Quality Mark for Evidence, Inside Outcomes will work with your organisation to assess your current work practices and the information you collect. You will receive a detailed plan that sets out the areas that can be strengthened in order to ensure your work is evidence-based, that your outcomes are aligned with your commissioners’ needs, and that you are able to demonstrate your impact in the most effective way.

Why do organisations seek to achieve the Quality Mark for Evidence?

1. It ensures that the people who commission services want, recognise and agree with the evidence an organisation is collecting
2. It guarantees that the method of measurement is consistent across a number of organisations, providing a fair picture of impact
3. It allows commissioners and providers to collect and organise results in a way that can demonstrate the most impact on a community

Quality Mark for Evidence: Standards

There are a number of standards that indicate how competent an organisation is at collecting data and using it to evidence work. Organisations who meet these standards can be considered for the Quality Mark for Evidence.

Organisational Development – The commitment to evidence outcome measurement is embedded at all levels of the organisation
Risk Factors and Outcomes – The organisation is using a system to identify specific risks in clients and linking these to national outcome frameworks
Data Recording Systems – Correct data is collected and being used in line with national outcome frameworks
Consistency and Data Quality – Collected data is of sufficient quality to produce reports and demonstrate outcomes.
Analysing and Reporting – Reporting processes demonstrate impact and make best use of the data collected
Publishing Data – The organisation publishes their outcome data in order to demonstrate effectiveness and transparency
Marketing Evidence – Outcome data is being used to market the specific service and the wider organisation in a positive way
Business Planning – Processes are in place to ensure that outcome data informs business planning and development of services

Quality Mark for Evidence: Assessment Process

The process involves a desk top assessment of current reports, organisational policies and data collection methods. This is then supported by interviews with people at all levels of the organisation.

Once the assessment is complete, you will receive a detailed report setting out the level of compliance your organisation has with each standard. Where an organisation is not compliant, you will receive a detailed plan for actions that will make your organisation compliant.

In order to assess your organisation for the Quality Mark for Evidence we charge £1500 (excluding VAT).