Our Referral Tool app has been designed to quickly identify local organisations that you can refer clients to. It’s been created to complement any data system you use, entirely focusing on improving the quality of referrals.
We have created this to be used across a local area with all of the organisations using it to crowd source the most effective agencies to help resolve problems.
The system works through carrying out a brief whole person assessment. This involves talking to the client and trying to assess the full range of issues that they are looking for help and support with. Using our simple Risk Maps these issues can be quickly recorded.
We have developed a range of Risk Maps that collect together the most common issues that clients present to services. Referral Tool also enables services to create their own Risk Map and to add their own Risks.
Organisations, using Referral Tool, can develop their own database of local referral agencies and those issues they are best able to help with. All of the referral agencies are then available to all the local organisations using referral tool.
Once all relevant issues have been recorded on the Risk Map, Referral Tool generates a list of all local agencies that can help with an issue. It provides contact details for agencies and a brief description of the services they provide. The tailor made list is then emailed to the worker that carried out the assessment and the client.
Using Referral Tool you can quickly improve the quality of the referrals you make to other agencies and create a standard way of working with individuals.
As all agencies, in a local area, are using the same definition of issues that clients are presenting; Referral Tool also provides an opportunity to put together a picture of local need. Referral Tool collects the local needs that are identified and creates anonymised reports that can help local commissioners see where there are particular areas of need.
Referral Tool has been designed to be quick to use whilst still providing you with the most relevant and up to date local referral information.
We provide Referral Tool free for anyone to use. We provide it under an open license so that you can run it in any way you want or even adapt the code for your own uses. You can access the code repository on our Github site. You can access the Referral Tool manual here.
We also provide hosted solutions if you don’t want the responsibility of running and managing a server.